“The taste of sweetness, whereof a little more than a little is by much too much.” - Henry IV, Part I, Shakespeare

There’s no doubt that Americans are addicted to sugar. We consume an average of 150 lbs. per person per year.(Appleton, p.10) For many of us, that means we eat our own weight in sugar every year! So it might be helpful to find out what that means - what sugar really is, what food value it has, and what problems it causes.
The sugar industry is big: $100 billion per year. As with any other billion dollar business, there?s bound to be a

ton of information that will support such an empire anywhere you look - the media, bookstores, advertising, etc.

Boats like this don?t like to be rocked.On the other side is a group claiming that white sugar is poison, a harmful drug, barely differing from cocaine, etc. Some claims are true; others are unreferenced opinion, often bordering on hysteria. For our purposes, we’ll focus on what we really can verify about sugar, and hopefully avoid the errors of disinformation on both sides of the fence. What Is Sugar?

That?s easy - it?s that white stuff in the sugar bowl. Refined white cane sugar is only one type, however. There?s alsobrown sugar, raw sugar, fruit sugar, corn sugar, milk sugar, beet sugar, alcohol, monosaccharides, disaccharides and polysaccharides. All these are also sugar.

Start with white sugar. It is made by refining sugar cane, a process involving many chemicals. Or from beets,
whose refinement also involves synthetic chemicals, and charcoal. The big problem is that the finished product contains none of the nutrients, vitamins, or minerals of the original plant. White sugar is a simple carbohydrate, which means a fractionated, artificial, devitalized by-product of the original plant. The original plant was a complex carbohydrate, which means it contained all the properties of a whole food: vitamins, minerals, enzymes.Refined sugar from beets and cane is sucrose. Up to the mid 1970’s, sucrose was the primary sugar consumed by Americans.

That changed when manufacturers discovered a cheaper source of refined sugar: corn. A process was

evolved that could change the natural fructose in corn to glucose, and then by adding synthetic chemicals, change the glucose back into an artificial, synthetic type of fructose called high fructose corn syrup. (Freeston) High fructose became big real fast. In 1984, Coke and Pepsi changed from cane sugar to high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). True connoisseurs could tell the difference, but there weren’t many of us. Today high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is the preferred sweetener in most soft drinks and processed foods.

Read the labels. As of 1997, worldwide
production of HFCS exceeded 8 billion kilograms. (Freeston)
Remember, natural fructose is contained in most raw fruits and vegetables. It is a natural food. Moderate
amounts of natural fructose can be easily digested by the body with no stress or depleting of mineral stores. Natural fructose does not cause rollercoaster blood sugar, unless the person overdoes it. Natural fructose is not addicting.

High fructose corn syrup (HFCS), by contrast, cannot be well digested, actually inhibits digestion, is
addicting, and causes a great number of biochemical errors, HFCS is artificial; a non-food.

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