Many people do not realize that their body has a Ph, or “Potential for Hydrogen”, level. However, we all have this in our bodies. A proper PH is essential to maintain health. When a person refers to PH in the body, they are referring to the overall level of alkalinity or acid throughout the body. All of the major functions of our body, including the organs, depend heavily on a proper level of PH throughout the body. In this article, we will review the importance of proper PH balance in the body.

When a person experiences an issue with the PH in their body, many situations may occur. The average PH level is usually interpreted as normal when it is 7.3. If the PH level in the blood exceeds this number, or falls below this average, an individual may start to experience numerous health conditions, diseases, and issues. There are enzymes throughout the body that help to kick the cells throughout the body into action. Enzymes are basically proteins that help to produce the proper functioning and healing of various aspects of the body. If an individual has an improper PH throughout the body, the enzymes may start to exhibit destructiveness. This can be potentially dangerous on the body, and the overall health of an individual.
There are many other issues that can occur when a person experiences issues with the PH levels in their body. One of these issues that can occur is that the Microbes in the blood start to experience changes. Microbes are various types of organisms that are considered living throughout the body. People require microbes throughout the body in order to ensure that we can properly digest the food that we consume, and strengthen our immune systems. If the microbes in the body are off in any way, they may begin to change and mutate in various ways. This can result in issues in the gastrointestinal tract, immune system, and various other areas of the body. Microbes can be an assortment of viruses, bacteria, and other similar items.

The next issue that may occur when a person does not maintain a normal PH level is that a lack of oxygen to important cells is drastically reduced or eliminated completely. If a cell does not receive the proper amount of oxygen, that cell can die. This damage is not reversible. Just as we require oxygen to breath, the cells throughout the body depend heavily on oxygen in order to maintain a healthy level of functioning and to live. However, if there is a proper PH level maintained in the body, the cells are sure to receive the proper amount of oxygen.
The next common problem that an improper PH in the body may cause is the improper functioning of the organs throughout the body. A prime example of an organ that may suffer as a result of an improper PH level in the body is the heart. A person who has a heart that is affected by an imbalance of the PH in the body may experience a disease of the heart, high blood pressure, low blood pressure, and similar issues. However, the heart is not the only organ that can be affected in this manner. The brain, the kidneys, the liver, and more can receive damage as a result of this issue within the body.
When a person does not have a proper PH level in the body, they may experience numerous difficulties as far as the minerals of the body are concerned. When the minerals are affected throughout the body, a person may suffer in many tremendous ways. One of the first issues that may become apparent has to do with the thyroid. When a person experiences difficulties with the thyroid, they are prone to issues such as heart attacks, experiencing a stroke, developing various forms of cancer, becoming overweight quickly, developing autoimmune disorders, such as arthritis, and more.
If the PH of the body is affected, an individual may start to experience issues with their metabolism. When this occurs, one may start to feel exhausted. Many suffer with issues such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, and similar conditions. A person may feel as if they have been deprived of all the energy that they have. They may not be able to sleep well, or will sleep too much. Therefore, putting their body into a state of exhaustion constantly.

When a person does not maintain the right level of PH in their bodies, they may develop issues with the sugar levels of their body. The body may start to malfunction in the proper digestion and production of sugar in the body. When this happens, issues with glucose tolerance may develop and lead into serious health conditions, such as diabetes. However, if a proper level of PH is maintained in the body, it can usually properly handle the glucose levels and the individual is at a less risk of developing issues such as diabetes, hyperglycemia, and hypoglycemia.

If the proper PH level is not maintained in the body, the hormones of an individual may malfunction. The most common hormones that are affected by an imbalance of PH are progesterone, testosterone, and estrogen. In females, this can lead to issues such as premature menopause, and other difficulties. In order for our bodies to properly function, it is essential to ensure that we keep a well balanced level of PH throughout our bodies. Issues that concern the hormones can lead to serious issues with the internal organs, as well as the bones of the body.

In addition to all the physical advantages of maintaining a proper PH level in the body, there are also many advantages to our mental health. If we have a proper PH level, we are less likely to suffer from conditions such as depression and anxiety. Many people who have a healthy PH also tend to handle stress and other issues quite well. It is important that you work carefully with your doctor to ensure that you maintain a healthy PH level.

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