Vitamin B is actually no single vitamin but a container of several vitamins.

The B1 Vitamin

B1 Vitamin is a main component of the vitamin B supplement, vitamin B1 and is also known as thiamin or thiamine. This is necessary for our body to produce enzymes, as well as break down carbohydrates. Like the other vitamins in a vitamin B supplement, B1 is also helpful for reducing stress and boost the immune system, making it stronger in fighting infections. The B1 deficiency may cause the disease known as Beri-beri, which leads to the tingling and swelling of hands and feet, nystagmus (flicking eye movements) and breathing problems due to the fluid in lungs.

B1 vitamin can be naturally found in foods such as whole cereals, brewer’s yeast, wheat germ and organ meats.

The B2 Vitamin

Another name for the B2 is Riboflavin and has an anti-oxidant activity and scavenges free radicals in the body that can damage the cells. It also helps breaking down carbohydrates, just like vitamin B1. It is contained in many kinds of food. Deficiencies of this vitamin - which are very scarce in developed countries - can cause skin diseases and light sensitivity.

The B3 Vitamin

This also helps break down carbohydrates and is known as niacin as well. You can find B3 mostly in meats, including fish and poultry, as well as yeasts. If you are a vegetarian, you can find it in nuts. B3 deficiencies may result in skin conditions and digestion problems - a condition often referred to as pellegra.

The B5 Vitamin

This vitamin is also known as Pantothenic acid, and can be found in most foods. Because of this, it is very improbable to have a deficiency of vitamin B5 alone.

The B6 Vitamin

The vitamin called B6 is yet another significant component of a vitamin B supplement. It plays an essential role in the processing of proteins, helping maintain the normal blood sugar level. In addition, it has an important role in producing hemoglobin in the blood. Hemoglobin is the substance that carries oxygen in the blood. A deficiency of vitamin B6 often results in anemia and affects the immune system negatively. However, unless you’re over 55 or you are on a poor diet; you are unlikely to have a vitamin B6 deficiency.

The B12 Vitamin

B12 is also a very important component of a vitamin B supplement. It is known as cobalamin as well. Its function is to contribute in the producing of red blood cells. It helps the growing process in children and plays an important part in the protein and carbohydrate metabolism as well. In addition it is also vital in keeping the nervous system healthy. B12 deficiency can have several negative consequences. It may be the first step of developing pernicious anemia, with symptoms of impaired nerve function, such as numbness and tingling. Aged people who have a low vitamin B12 level are also more likely to develop depression symptoms.

The vitamin B complex plays a significant part in the good functioning of our body. It is normally hard to absorb but vitamin B supplements are very effective in maintaining a proper vitamin B level and keeping us healthy.

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