Fibromyalgia often can mean compromised energy metabolism in the affected tissues. Most fibromyalgia victims complain that their pain symptoms travel, illustrating traveling energy compromise of the affected tissues. Nothing helps restore the high energy ATP (adenosine triphosphate) metabolism like stabilized DHLA capable of regenerating primary antioxidants such as vitamin E, vitamin C, COQ- 10, glutathione and more.

DHLA free radical quenching and energy up-regulation, has demonstrated DNA and nerve protection and much much more, which can in turn translate to real help for fibromyalgic sufferers. Agaricus Bisporus mushroom extract Studies in Japan have shown Agaricus Bisporus saved 6 out of 9 patients in kidney failure, delivering extraordinary blood purification. A critical player in all fibromyalgia, is waste products building in the blood and in turn, bio-accumulating in lymph and connective tissues throughout the body. Downloading blood toxins has translated to fewer fibromylagic symptoms in anecdotal case reports. For information on products that delivery these key nutrients

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