Many societies on earth have eaten chlorella in their diets through the centuries, recorded as early as 3,000 B.C. to the present. Chlorella gets its name from its astonishingly high content of chlorophyll, the highest of any known plant. ?Chlor? means “green? and “ella? means “small.?

Super DNA Repair Systems

New mutant viruses which can rapidly damage the DNA of healthy human cells are increasing world-wide. For years, stunning worldwide research has been examining a humble little two billion year old plant — a single-celled, fresh-water algae called chlorella. The hardiness of chlorella is a tribute to its unusually effective DNA-repair mechanisms. This super DNA repair ability is important to its healing effects for people, especially those with current or latent viral infections.

Anti-Cancer Properties

Japanese researchers have found that chlorella has excellent antitumor properties and can prolong the lives of animals with cancer. At a World Congress in France, scientists reported the remarkable antitumor action of chlorella. Another Japanese study found that chlorella could activate white blood cells to fight cancer. Animals implanted with cancerous tumors were protected by 82% when given chlorella. A Harvard research group found that chlorella could destroy cancer cells in animals and enhance their immune system?s production of TNF, (tumor necrosis factor) and interleukin I (a virusfighting protein). Chronically ill people, especially those with cancer, often have depressed levels of helper cells and elevated levels of suppressor cells in their blood. High amounts of chlorella taken orally for 6 weeks have been shown to reverse this blood ratio in some people. Awesome anti-tumor factors have been shown in many studies. Chlorella stimulates the body?s own immune system so the body can fight cancer better.
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